is an extension
of variant
, which includes
generic handling for throwing moves in user-defined types.
Defined in file <strict_variant/variant.hpp>
template <typename... Ts> using easy_variant = variant<wrap_if_throwing_move_t<Ts>...>;
where wrap_if_throwing_move_t
is defined:
struct <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_nothrow_destructible<T>::value && !std::is_reference<T>::value>> struct wrap_if_throwing_move { using type = typename std::conditional<std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value, T, recursive_wrapper<T>>::type; }; template <typename T> using wrap_if_throwing_move_t = typename wrap_if_throwing_move<T>::type;
That is, if T
is no-throw
move constructible, we use T
otherwise, we use recursive_wrapper<T>
is meant to
easily replace uses of boost::variant
and other common variant types.
Since recursive_wrapper
no-throw move constructible, and is transparently pierced at all parts of
the variant
interface, easy_variant
is always able to generate
assignment operators and such regardless of the noexcept
status of the user-defined types which are passed to it. It is thus a general-purpose
variant type.