
Type relationship safe_arithmetic_conversion

The safe_arithmetic_conversion type trait has the same syntax as std::is_constructible. It determines the behavior of safely_constructible for arithmetic types.

It is defined in terms of sign, arithmetic category and arithmetic rank of its arguments.

Valid Expressions



T, U

any arithmetic types

safe_arithmetic_conversion<T, U>::value

true if a variant for which T is one of the value types should be constructible from U.



The complete definition is given:

template <typename A, typename B>
struct safe_arithmetic_conversion {
  static constexpr bool same_class =
    (mpl::classify_arithmetic<A>::value == mpl::classify_arithmetic<B>::value);
  static constexpr bool unsign_to_sign = !std::is_unsigned<A>::value && std::is_unsigned<B>::value;
  static constexpr bool narrowing =
    (mpl::arithmetic_rank<A>::value < mpl::arithmetic_rank<B>::value);

  static constexpr bool value = same_class && !unsign_to_sign && !narrowing;

template <typename A>
struct safe_arithmetic_conversion<A, char> {
  static constexpr bool value = safe_arithmetic_conversion<A, signed char>::value
                                && safe_arithmetic_conversion<A, unsigned char>::value;

template <typename B>
struct safe_arithmetic_conversion<char, B> {
  static constexpr bool value = safe_arithmetic_conversion<signed char, B>::value
                                && safe_arithmetic_conversion<unsigned char, B>::value;

template <>
struct safe_arithmetic_conversion<char, char> : std::true_type {};

The type char requires special treatment, because it is implementation-defined if it is signed or unsigned. Since we'd like to eliminate implementation-specific behavior, an arithmetic conversion involving char is permitted only when it would be permitted for both signed char and unsigned char.

[Note] Note

You are welcome to specialize this trait to modify the behavior of strict_variant, but it might not always be the simplest way. Consider specializing arithmetic_rank and/or classify_arithmetic, or safely_constructible, instead.
